What?s Up With Unboxing Videos? The Trend You Must Try

whats up with unboxing videos the trend you must try

We all enjoy that element of surprise (well, most of us!). User-generated unboxing videos have popped up more and more on YouTube and other social media platforms, adding a surprising value to products and the brands behind them. Unboxing videos are exactly that – people opening up products to give viewers a little taste of […]

Wooing Discerning Celebs with the CARSON Double Wall Bolero Tumbler

wooing discerning celebs with the carson double wall bolero tumbler

What do you get the celebrity-chef-turned-travel-show-host who has everything? How about the VP of Paid Media at a premier hotel chain you’d love to snag an advertising deal with? Brands like Travel Channel® are finding that everybody, no matter how high-brow, loves a cold drink! Making a lasting impression is as simple as adding a […]

5 Promo Products to Make Your Office Safer for Employees

5 promo products to make your office safer for employees

As business’ doors open back up and employees step into the office, it’s essential to make sure they feel safe and comfortable as the return to their desks. Whether you own a business that has 3 employees or 300 employees, safety should be the number one priority. Here are 5 of our favorite products to […]

Your Guide to Drinkware

your guide to drinkware

Mugs, tumblers, and bottles…oh my! There is an abundance of variety available when it comes to promotional drinkware, which can make it difficult to decide what is the best choice for your brand. With this short guide, you’ll learn the difference between the various styles of drinkware and the most common uses for different types […]

5 Phone Accessories to Help You Get a Grip

5 phone accessories to help you get a grip jpeg

It’s pretty safe to say that cell phones are a ubiquitous part of everyday life. In any room with more than a few people in it, you’re likely to find a few phone screens lighting up in someone’s hands. We use phones for so much – talking to each other, checking emails, watching videos – […]

Print’s Not Dead: How Print Products Can Work for You

prints not dead how print products can work for you

In the past decade, many businesses have moved away from print marketing to focus almost entirely on digital marketing. You may have even heard people say that print is dead. However, print media has actually evolved with the help of new technology. Thanks to advancements in technology that help reduce the cost of printing, print […]

Check Up On Your Hospital Essentials: 6 Promo Products For Hospitals

check up on your hospital essentials 6 promo products for hospitals

Hospitals are an essential part of our communities! From providing emergency services to someone who isn’t feeling well or injured to providing services such as nutrition education, researching illnesses and diseases, and more.    So, we picked out some promotional products for hospitals to help patients feel at ease and essential for staff to feel […]

Generation Z vs. Millennials: What?s the Difference?

generation z vs millennials whats the difference

We’re all familiar with the stereotypes that characterize the millennial generation- avocado toast, “killing” chain restaurants, and being social media obsessed. But what actually defines a millennial? Millennials are the generation born between 1980-1994. These are people who remember a time before cell phones and the internet were integral to everyday life but have grown […]

Yes, There’s a Difference: Everything You Need to Know About Pens

yes there is a difference everything you need to know about pens

Even as much of our world goes digital and paperless, the pen remains an essential tool in both office and home life. With so many different types of pens, choosing the “write” one can be a lot harder than it seems. If you’re looking for a new go-to pen for your brand, here are some […]

5 Promo Products That Are Bright, Light, and Ready to Excite

5 promo products that are bright light and read to excite

  Looking for some promotional products to outshine the competition? Need some LED magic to illuminate your brand? We’ve got you covered with this selection of super fun promotional products that are designed to shine a light on your business 1. Bling Ring Here’s our version of a classic:   A pencil or pen might […]